Spillene på Games Convention 2007

Her er oversikten over hvilke spill som skal vises frem på Europas største spillmesse.

Denne uken er det endelig klart for årets store spillbegivenhet i Europa, Games Convention. Dørene til den tyske spillmessa åpner på onsdag og stenger søndag, men allerede nå er opptakten i gang i form av Games Convention Developer Conference. Der vil profilerte spillguruer holde åpningstaler, foredrag og debatter om ting de mener de har greie på.

Gamer.no har to utsendte i Tyskland, som skal delta på eksklusive visninger av spillene som kommer i tiden fremover, snakke med utviklerne bak dem, og gi dere sine inntrykk i form av sniktitter og reportasjer denne uken og i ukene som kommer. Selve nyhetsdekningen vil foregå fra Norge.

Årets Games Convention blir den største noensinne, og later til å kunne måle seg med størrelsen av E3 foregående år. Her er listen over sålangt bekreftede spill som skal vises frem, sortert etter utgiver eller utvikler:

Merk: Listen vil bli kontinuerlig oppdatert så snart vi vet mer, og det forventes mange overraskelser ved siden av det som bekreftes i forkant. Plattform spillene skal utgis på er i parentes, og betyr ikke nødvendigvis at tittelen vises frem i alle utgaver.


Black Prophecy (PC)
Boulder Dash - Rocks! (DS/PSP)
Codename: Panzers: Cold War (PC)
Jack Keane (PC)
Ready2Rumble (PC)
Uannonsert prosjekt (360, PS3)


Cryostasis: Sleep of Reason (PC)
Death Track: Resurrection (PC)
King's Bounty: The Legend (PC)
Necrovision (PC)
PT Boats: Knights of the Sea (PC)


Borderlands (360, PS3, PC)
Sid Meier's Civilization Revolution (360, PS3, Wii, DS)
Top Spin 3 (PS3, 360)
Mafia 2 (PC, 360, PS3)
NBA 2K8 (PS3, 360)
NHL 2K8 (PS2, PS3, 360)


Alice: English in Wonderland (ukjent)
Alice: Follow the White Rabbit (ukjent)
Chuckcha in Moscow (ukjent)


Bee Movie the Game (PC, PS2, 360, Wii)
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare (PC, 360, PS3)
Enemy Territory: Quake Wars (PC)
Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock (PS2, PS3, 360, Wii)
Shrek the Third (PC, DS, GBA, PS2, PSP, Wii, 360)
Spider-Man Friend or Foe (PC, PS2, PS3, 360, PSP, DS, Wii)
Tony Hawk's Proving Ground (PS2, PS3, 360, DS, Wii)
World Series of Poker 2008 (ukjent)

Les også
Søt eventyr på fremmed planet


2025: Battle for Fatherland (PC)
A Stroke of Fate (PC)
Dead Mountaineer's Hotel (PC)
Disciples III: Renaissance (PC)
Empire Above All (PC)
Heavy Duty (PC)
Jagged Alliance 3 (PC)
Numen (PC)
Prisoner of Power (PC)
PT Boats: Knights of the Sea (PC)
Showdown: Scorpion (PC)
Tarr Chronicles (PC)


Sacred 2: Fallen Angel (PC)


Ace Combat 6: Fires of Liberation (360)
Asterix at the Olympic Games (PC, PS2, DS, Wii)
Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 3 (PS2, Wii)
Eternal Sonata (360)
Naruto: Ultimate Ninja 2 (PS2)
Tamagotchi Party On! (Wii)
The Witcher (PC)


Supreme Ruler 2020 (PC)


Fallout 3 (PC, 360, PS3)


Mass Effect


StarCraft II (PC)
World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King (PC)


Collapse (PC)
Dusk-12 (PC)
Sledgehammer (PC)
The Hunt (PC)
The Swarm (PC)


Devil May Cry 4 (PC, PS3, Xbox 360)
Monster Hunter Freedom (PSP)


Clive Barker's Jericho (PS3, 360)
Colin McRae DiRT (PS3)
Operation Flashpoint 2
Rise of the Argonauts (PC, 360, PS3)
The Lord of the Rings Online (PC)
Turning Point: Fall of Liberty (PC, 360, PS3)


Ben 10: Protector of Earth (DS, PS2, PSP, Wii)
Dark Sector (PS3, 360)
Dragon Blade: Wrath of Fire (Wii)
Ed, Edd and Eddy: Scam of the Century (DS)


Anubis II (Wii)
Billy the Wizard (Wii)
Ninjabread Man (Wii)
Rock N Roll Adventures: Elviz (Wii)


Anno 1701 (PC, DS)
Perry Rhodan (PC)
Secret Files 2 (PC)
Uannonsert prosjekt


The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian (PC, PS2, PS3, 360, PSP, DS, Wii)
Turok (360, PS3)


Drakensang: The Dark Eye (PC)
Gray Matter (PC)
Legend: Hand of God (PC)
Mata Hari (PC)
Memento Mori (PC)
Overclocked (PC)
So Blonde (PC)
Undercover: Dual Motives (DS)
Windchaser (PC)


Age of Conan (PC), 360)
Conflict Denied Ops (ukjent)
Highlander (PC, 360, PS3)
Kane & Lynch (PC, 360, PS3)
Monster Lab (ukjent)


Army of Two (360, PS3)
Battlefield Bad Company (360)
Boogie (Wii)
Burnout Paradise (PS3)
Codename Panzers: Cold War
Command & Conquer 3: Kane's Wrath (PC)
Crysis (PC)
EA Playground (DS, Wii)
EA Playground (Wii, NDS)
FIFA 08 (PS3, 360, PC, PS2, DS, Wii)
Half-Life 2: Orange Box (PC, 360, PS3)
Hellgate: London (PC)
Madden NFL 08 (PS2, PS3, 360, PC, Wii, DS, PSP)
Medal of Honor: Airborne (360, PS3, PC)
Mercenaries 2: World in Flames (PS3, 360, PC, PS2)
MySims (DS, Wii)
NASCAR 08 (PS2, 360, PS3)
NBA Live 08 (PC, 360, PS3, PS2, PSP, Wii)
Need for Speed ProStreet (PC, PS2, PS3, PSP, Wii, 360)
NHL 08 (PC, PS2, PS3, 360)
SimCity Societies (PC)
SKATE (360, PS3)
Smarty Pants (Wii)
Spore (PC)
The Simpsons (360, DS)
The Sims 2: Bon Voyage PC)
The Sims 2: Castaway (Wii, PS2)
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 08 (PC, PS2, PS3, 360, PSP, DS, Wii)


Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning (PC)


Armed Assault 2 (PC, PS3, 360)
Armed Assault: Queens Gambit (PC)
Fish Fillets (DS)


They (PC)


Agatha Christie: Evil Under the Sun (PC)
Lifesigns: Hospital Affairs (DS)
Sam & Max Season 1 (PC)
Söldner 2: Mercenary Wars (PC)


Sword of the New World: Granado Espada (PC)
War Rock (PC)


Arcade Collection (DS)
Castlevania (PSP)
Coded Arms 2: Contagio (PSP)
Dancing Stage Super Nova 2 (PS2)
Dancing Stage Universe 1 (360)
Drople (Wii)
Ge Pets (DS)
Hellboy (PS3, 360, PSP)
Indoor Sports (Wii)
Metal Gear Online 2.0 (PS3)
Metal Gear Solid 4 (PS3)
MGS Graphic Novel (PSP)
Pro Evolution Soccer 2008 (PS3, PC, 360, PSP, DS, PS2)
Silent Hill Origins (PSP)
Steel Horizon (PSP, DS)
Yoga (DS)
Yu-Gi-Oh WCT2008 (DS)
Yu-Gi-Oh GX (PSP)
Yu-Gi-Oh Tag Force (PS2)


ToW (360)


Fracture (360, PS3)
Lego Star Wars The Complete Saga (Ps3, 360, DS, Wii)
Star Wars Battlefront Renegade Squadron (PSP)
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed (360, PS3, PS2, Wii, DS, PSP)
Thrillville: Off the Rails (PSP, DS, PS2, Wii, 360)


Aqua Teen Hunger Force Zombie Ninja Pro-Am (PS2)
BlackSite: Area 51 (PS3, 360, PC)
Cruis'n (Wii)
Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends: Imagination Invaders (DS)
Game Party (Wii)
Hour of Victory (PC)
Stranglehold (PS3, 360, PC)
TNA iMPACT (PS3, 360, Wii, PS2)
Ultimate Mortal Kombat (DS)
Unreal Tournament 3 (PS3, PC)
Wheelman (PS3, 360, PC)


Aion: The Tower of Eternity (PC)
Guild Wars: Eye of the North (PC)
Richard Garriot's Tabula Rasa (PC)


Building World (PC)
Crusader Kings (PC)
Death to Spies (PC)
Destination Treasure Island (PC)
Europa Universalis III (PC)
Eva Cash (PC)
Fantasy Wars (PC)
Galactic Assault: Prisoner of Power (PC)
Hard to be a God (PC)
Hearts of Iron Anthology (PC)
Loki (PC)
Paradise City (PC)
Secrets of Atlantis (PC)
Tarr Chronicles (PC)
TV Giant (PC)
Two Worlds (360)


Witches (midlertidig tittel) (PC, PS3, 360)


Condemned 2 (PS3, 360)
Empire (ukjent) Ghost Squad (Wii)
Mario & Sonic (Wii, DS)
Nights: The Journey of Dreams (Wii)
SEGA Rally (360, PS3, PC)
The Club (360, PS3)
The Golden Compass (PC, PS2, PS3, 360, DS, PSP, Wii)
Universe at War (PC, 360)
Viking: Battle For Asgard (PS3, 360) Virtua Fighter 5 (360)


Buzz (PS3)
Buzz Jr. (PS3)
Eye of Judgment (PS3)
Folklore (PS3)
Heavenly Sword (PS3)
Killzone (PS3)
Lair (PS3)
LittleBigPlanet (PS3)
Ratchet & Clank (PS3)
SingStar (PS3)
Uncharted: Drake's Fortune (PS3)
WipEout HD (PS3)


Brave (Wii, DS, PSP)
Iridium Runners (PS2)
Monster Madness Ex (PS3)
Ninjatown (DS)


Chocobo Tales (DS)
Final Fantasy III (DS)
Final Fantasy Tactics (PSP)
Final Fantasy XI (PC)
Heroes of Mana (DS)
Valkyrie Profile 2: Silmeria (PS2)
Valkyrie Profile Lenneth (PSP)


Assassin's Creed (360, PS3, PC)
Beowulf (PC, PS3, 360, PSP)
Brothers in Arms: Hell's Highway (PC, 360, PS3)
Dark Messiah of Might and Magic: Elements (360)
Far Cry 2 (PC)
Games for Everyone (ukjent)
Haze (PS3)
Naruto: Rise of a Ninja (360)
Rayman Raving Rabbids 2 (DS, Wii)
The Settlers: Rise of an Empire (PC)
Tom Clancy's EndWar (360, PS3)


Crusaders: Thy Kingdom Come (PC)
Donkey Xote (ukjent)
Snow X Racing (PS2)


Crash of the Titans (DS, GBA, PS2, PSP, Wii, 360)
Empire Earth III (PC)
F.E.A.R. Perseus Mandate (PC)
Geometry Wars: Galaxies (Wii)
Prototype (PC, 360, PS3)
Starcraft II (PC)
The Bourne Conspiracy (360, PS3)
TimeShift (PC, 360, PS3)
WET (PS3, 360)
World in Conflict (PC, 360)
World of Warcraft: Wrath of The Lich King (PC)

Hvis dere finner feil, eller savner titler dere vet skal vises frem, så send oss gjerne e-post til tips@gamer.no. eller si fra i forumtråden. Husk å ta med kildehenvisning.

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