Spilltoppen i Norge - uke 46 og 47

Dette er spillene solgte best i de to siste ukene. På PC har Call of Duty rappet førsteplassen fra Max Payne 2, mens SSX 3 leder foran Ringenes Herre: Atter en Konge på PlayStation 2. Atter en Konge har imidlertid tatt førsteplassen på Xbox, foran nykommeren Rainbow Six 3. På GameCube er Mario Kart Double Dash gått inn på førsteplassen, foran SSX 3.


1. (4) Call of Duty (Activision)
2. (1) Max Payne 2 (Take 2)
3. (5) Fifa 2004 (EA)
4. (-) Ringenes Herre: Atter en Konge (EA)
5. (-) Championship Manager 03/04 (Eidos)
6. (2) The Sims - Makin' Magic (EA)
7. (6) Backpacker 3 (Pan Vision)
8. (-) Civilization: Conquest (Atari)
9. (-) Morrowind: Game of the Year Edition (Ubisoft)
10. (3) Hidden & Dangerous 2 (Take 2)

PlayStation 2

1. (1) SSX 3 (EA)
2. (-) Ringenes Herre: Atter en Konge (EA)
3. (2) FIFA 2004 (EA)
4. (3) True Crime: Streets of L.A. (Activision)
5. (-) Need for Speed: Underground (EA)
6. (-) WRC 3 (SCEE)
7. (4) Jak II (SCEE)
8. (-) Tony Hawk Underground (Activision)
9. (5) Pro Evolution Soccer 3 (Konami)
10. (-) Ratchet & Clank 2 (SCEE)


1. (-) Mario Kart Double Dash (Nintendo)
2. (3) SSX 3 (EA)
3. (-) Ringenes Herre: Atter en Konge (EA)
4. (8) Viewtiful Joe (EA)
5. (5) FIFA 2004 (EA)
6. (-) F-Zero GX (Nintendo)
7. (2) Harry Potter Rumpeldunk (EA)
8. (-) Star Wars: Rebel Strike (Activision)
9. (1) Soul Calibur 2 (Namco)
10. (R) Resident Evil Zero (EA)


1. (-) Ringenes Herre: Atter en Konge (EA)
2. (-) Rainbow Six 3 (Ubisoft)
3. (5) True Crime: Streets of L.A. (Activision)
4. (-) Need for Speed Underground (EA)
5. (1) FIFA 2004 (EA)
6. (2) SSX 3 (EA)
7. (3) Star Wars: Knights of the old Republic (Activision)
8. (-) Top Spin (Microsoft)
9. (R) Enter the Matrix (Atari)
10. (-) Terminator 3 (Atari)

Game Boy

1. (1) Super Mario Advance 4 (Nintendo)
2. (-) Hobbit (Vivendi Universal Games)
3. (R) Spyro 2 (Vivendi Universal Games)
4. (R) Breath of Fire (EA)
5. (-) SSX 3 (EA)
6. (-) Final Fantasy Tactics Advance (Square)
7. (-) Ringenes Herre: Atter en Konge (EA)
8. (7) Zelda: A link to the Past (Nintendo)
9. (R) Lego Racers 2 (Lego)
10. (5) Golden Sun: The Lost Age (Nintendo)

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